Buoy the Buhund 2005-2017
A sad day at 1888 Palmer Farm. Today we lost Buoy, our head supervisor and hardest worker. Buoy struggled for months with a tumor on his leg, which finally lead to his downfall. During the coldest days of winter and the hottest summer mornings, he was up with the sun and keeping a keen watch on all the people working on the old house. Below is a picture of his last assignment: trying to motivate our slow-moving plumber.
Buoy was a Norwegian Buhund, a sheep herder by nature. He was the greatest dog I've ever known and I find it hard to speak about him. I now understand the pain and sadness associated with the loss of a beloved pet. But he had eight months of freedom on the farm, always off leash and free to roam and explore. He never roamed far, always doubling back to make sure Rick, Travis and the rest of the crew were accounted for and working. I always referred to him as the "Hardest working dog in the business" and he was. He'll also be the hardest act to follow when ( or if ) the next Buhund comes into my life.
I'm not a religious person but my inner Catholic school boy remembers that today is "All Saint's Day". So appropriate for my happy little dog to depart on this day. Goodbye my good friend.