Now Screening in Stockbridge
Well that was a long hiatus from the old 1888 Palmer Farm blog. How long, you ask? So long that I forgot how to make an entry, resulting in repeated pounding on the keyboard in ape-like frustration. But here we go.
One day I was looking at the old screens for the house and was quite dissatisfied with what I saw. Holes large enough for two moths to enter, flying abreast. Odd, cryptic paint splatters from long ago painters. But overall sturdy, well built old frames.
Next day there was a huge pile of old screening and 25 empty frames. After much priming & painting I had a pile of pretty picture frames in need of screening. Being the resourceful person that I am, I stopped the first hay wagon passing the farm and enlisted the Amish fellow pictured to screen the frames using that most traditional of hand tools: the power staple gun.

Note the new supervisor in the truck window. Gibbs, the Norwegian Buhund tries to fill Buoy the Buhund's paw prints.