Before and After in one picture!
What a difference expert carpentry and a paint job make. Rick has spent months rebuilding the exterior porches and replacing clapboards....
Buoy the Buhund 2005-2017
A sad day at 1888 Palmer Farm. Today we lost Buoy, our head supervisor and hardest worker. Buoy struggled for months with a tumor on his...
Twelve Months Ago....
It was twelve short months ago when I drove to Stockbridge to look at property available for sale. One place really intrigued me: The...
A bit of contrast!
In March, held up by bottle jacks... Rebuilt to it's 1888 condition. Primed and ready for paint. Notice how Buoy the Buhund sneaks into...
Floor Plans
In order to explain to the local building inspector the alterations going on to the old farm house, it was necessary to have floor plans...
Hay Time
Bringing in the hay. Not me, of course. I'm just a "faux farmer". I am available for photo ops, however. A gentleman who has been...
New Roof
The 1888 Palmer Farm is a huge old place and badly in need of a new roof. Fairview Roofing took the challenge in May to re-roof the place...
Fourth of July!
The 1888 Palmer Farm is the perfect "holiday house" according to Rick Houldsworth, expert carpenter. I couldn't agree more. Look at the...
The 1888 Palmer Farm Rising.
After three months of hard work I finally have a moment to update the blog, if I can remember how to. As the nasty winter weather finally...
Fire Dog cools his heels
No sheep to tend to so Buoy watches the final burn of the season. Cools himself off afterwards in the vernal pond on the property.